Editing Java Files

To edit JAVA™ source codes, first the associated project has to be selected (fig. 1.1). Then the file to edit has to be selected in the navigation window (fig. 1.2). By selecting the menu item Open of the context menu or by double clicking the file name, the file gets opened in the text editor.

Figure 1: The JControl/IDE Text Editor

The text editor is now displayed in the editor panel (fig. 1.3). The editor offers syntax highlighting for JAVA™ to keep even complex code readable.
Figure 1.4 illustrates how new menus are added to the menu bar by the source code editor. The new menus offer further functions for editing the source code in a comfortable way. As soon as the editor loses the input focus, the menu items disappear again.

Figure 2: Icon Bar of the Text Editor

The icon bar (fig. 2) of the text editor offers the characteristic functions like 'undo' or 'cut text'.