

The ComboBox is an interactive GUI component, that presents the user multiple text items to choose from. While in inactive state, it is closed and only shows the currently selected item. When it gets the input focus, the ComboBox can be opened by using the Select button or pressing the touch screen. The user may now choose one of the other provided items. If the list of possible choices is bigger than the viewable area, it will be srolled up or down.

The most important methods of the class jcontrol.ui.wombat.ComboBox are shown in table 1:

ComboBox(int x, int y, int width)Creates a new ComboBox at the given coordinates with the given width
add(String item)Adds a new entry to the ComboBox
String getSelectedItem()Returns the currently selected entry of the ComboBox as a String
int getSelectedIndex()Returns the index of the currently selected entry of the ComboBox as an int
remove(String item)Removes an item from the ComboBox
setSelection(int index)Selects the {index}th entry of the ComboBox.
Table 1: Methods of class jcontrol.ui.wombat.Container

Installing an ActionListener onto a ComboBox (using method setActionListener(ActionListener listener)) will result in the ComboBox firing ITEM_SELECTED-ActionEvents every time the user selects an item.


The NumberChooser is a GUI component consisting of a text field and two buttons. The text field displays a decimal value that can be altered using either of the buttons. The value will be in- or decreased by 1 by pressing the according button (the step size can't be varied directly). Minimal and maximal values are to be assigned by using the constructor. Font as well as size and position of the GUI component can be influenced by the programmer. The following methods are provided:

NumberChooser(int x, int y, int min, int max)Creates a new NumberChooser at the given position with a values margin defined by the parameters min and max.
int getValue()Returns the current value of the NumberChooser component
setValue(int value)Sets the value of the NumberChooser to the passed value (the value has to be within the defined values margin)
Table 2: Methods of class jcontrol.ui.wombat.NumberChooser


The MultiImageMenu is component that supports selection of image icons or text entries. The menu entries are arranged in a table layout, the number of rows and columns is customized. The spacing between the items depends on the size of the MultiImageMenu, i.e. on the available space. The MultiImageMenu doesn't support scrollbars. Thus, the number and size of all items should not exceed the available space inside the MultiImageMenu. The following methods are provided:

MultiImageMenu(int x, int y, int width, int height, int horizontalCount, int verticalCount, int style)Creates a new MultiImageMenu with specified bounds. The parameters horizontalCount and verticalCount specify the number of rows and columns. The style parameter provides two constant values STYLE_SHOW_BORDER and STYLE_NONE.
setImageItems(Resource[] imageItems)Sets the specified list of image resources to the the MultiImageMenu. The array may contain null values to define blanks in the MultiImageMenu.
setTextItems(String[] textItems)Sets the specified list of strings to the the MultiImageMenu. The array may contain null values to define blanks in the MultiImageMenu.
int addMenuItem(String item)Adds an entry into the MultiImageMenu. If there is an image resource available matching the specified string the icon will be shown. Otherwise, the string itself will be shown. The returned value specifies the index of the item.
int insertMenuItem(String item, int index)Inserts an entry into the MultiImageMenu at the specified position. Any existing entry at this position will be discarded. If there is an image resource available matching the specified string the icon will be shown. Otherwise, the string itself will be shown. The returned value specifies the index of the item.
int getFirstFreeIndex()Returns the first index in the MultiImageMenu that is empty, i.e. does not contain any item.
setTouchMargin(int margin)Specifies the size of the non-touchable area around the menu items. Default value is 5.
Table 3: Methods of class

A short source code shall be given at the conclusion of this section, that demonstrates the usage of the GUI components ComboBox, NumberChooser, and MultiImageMenu. It is available in the project WombatSelectorExample in the installation directory of your JControl/IDE under "demos/cobra5329/WombatTutorial/WombatSelectorExample" (on Windows "C:\Program Files\JControl\demos\cobra5329\WombatTutorial\WombatSelectorExample"). Figure 2 shows a screenshot of the running program.

Figure 2: The WombatSelectorExample

1    /**
2     * <p>This example demonstrates how to use the
3     * components ComboBox, NumberChooser and MultiImageMenu within
4     * the GUI framework JControl/Wombat.</p>
5     *
6     * <p>(C) DOMOLOGIC Home Automation GmbH 2007</p>
7     */
8    import jcontrol.ui.wombat.Frame;
9    import jcontrol.ui.wombat.Container;
10    import jcontrol.ui.wombat.event.ActionListener;
11    import jcontrol.ui.wombat.Border;
12    import jcontrol.ui.wombat.ComboBox;
13    import jcontrol.ui.wombat.NumberChooser;
14    import;
15    import;
16    import;
17    import;
18    import jcontrol.ui.wombat.event.ActionEvent;
20    public class WombatSelectorExample extends Frame implements ActionListener {
22        /**
23         * Constructor WombatComboNumberExample
24         */
25        public WombatSelectorExample() {
26            // create a container for the content of this frame
27            Container content = new Container();
29            // create borders and add them to the content
30            Border border1 = new Border("ComboBox", 60, 40, 180, 40,
31                Border.STYLE_ETCHED_BORDER);
32            content.add(border1);
33            Border border2 = new Border("NumberChooser", 60, 80, 180, 40,
34                Border.STYLE_ETCHED_BORDER);
35            content.add(border2);
36            Border border3 = new Border("MultiImageMenu", 60, 120, 180, 70,
37                Border.STYLE_ETCHED_BORDER);
38            content.add(border3);
40            /* create all components
41               add them to the content
42               and define an actionlistener for each component */
44            // ComboBox
45            ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox(new String[]{
46                "Entry 1", "Entry 2", "Entry 3"}, 110, 56, 80);
47            content.add(comboBox);
48            comboBox.setActionListener(this);
50            // NumberChooser
51            NumberChooser numberChooserDay = new NumberChooser(112, 96, 1, 31);
52            numberChooserDay.setValue(1);
53            content.add(numberChooserDay);
54            numberChooserDay.setActionListener(this);
55            NumberChooser numberChooserMonth = new NumberChooser(136, 96, 1, 12);
56            numberChooserMonth.setValue(1);
57            content.add(numberChooserMonth);
58            numberChooserMonth.setActionListener(this);
59            NumberChooser numberChooserYear = new NumberChooser(160, 96, 2000, 2100);
60            numberChooserYear.setValue(1);
61            content.add(numberChooserYear);
62            numberChooserYear.setActionListener(this);
64            // MultiImageMenu
65            MultiImageMenu multiImageMenu = new MultiImageMenu(70, 136, 160, 44,
66                3, 1, MultiImageMenu.STYLE_SHOW_BORDER);
67            try {
68                multiImageMenu.setImageItems(new Resource[]{
69                    new Resource("item1.jcif"),
70                    new Resource("item2.jcif"),
71                    new Resource("item3.jcif")});
72            } catch(IOException ioe) {}
73            multiImageMenu.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE);
74            content.add(multiImageMenu);
75            multiImageMenu.setActionListener(this);
77            // set the content to this frame
78            setContent(content);
79            // finally, make the frame visible     
80            setVisible(true);
81        }
83        /**
84         * This method is called every time any component declared above
85         * fires an action event.
86         *
87         * @param e the ActionEvent
88         */
89        public void onActionEvent(ActionEvent e) {
90            // add some code if you want to
91        }
93        /**
94         * The main method.
95         *
96         * @param args
97         *        The main arguments
98         */
99        public static void main(String[] args) {
100            new WombatSelectorExample();
101        }
102    }
Listing 2: