The JControl iMelody Format (IMY) --------------------------------- The JControl iMelody format is compatible with the iMelody format specified by Infrared Data Association (IrDA). := {||}+ := [] := "r" := "("{|}+"@"")" := "0"|"1"|"2"|... (0 is repeat forever) := [][] := "*0"|"*1"|"*2"... := || := "c"|"d"|"e"|"f"|"g"|"a"|"b" := "&d"|"&e"|"&g"|"&a"|"&b" (flat notes) := "#c"|"#d"|"#f"|"#g"|"#a" (sharp notes) := "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5" := "."|":"|";" Note: No block within block! Duration: 0 - Full-note 1 - 1/2-note 2 - 1/4-note 3 - 1/8-note 4 - 1/16-note 5 - 1/32-note Duration Specifier: none - No special duration . - Dotted note : - Double dotted note ; - 2/3 length